What are the bank details for Vantage Space?
General bank details Name on bank account holder: Vantage Space Limited Name of bank: Barclays Bank PLC Bank address: Leicester, LE87 2BB SWIFT code: BARCGB22 Country: United Kingdom Then we have different IBAN numbers for different currencies. USD account IBAN: GB31BARC20610842782288 SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22 Routing code: 026002574 Sort code: 20-61-08 Account numbFew readersHow do I set up Vantage Space as a supplier?
Please use the following information: Full Supplier Name: Vantage Space Limited Registered Company Number: 09457290 VAT Number: GB211254166 Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London. WC2H 9JQ. United Kingdom DUNS number: 220703358 (Dun & Bradstreet)Few readersFAQ: How much does Vantage Space cost?
We offer Vantage Space on a priced-per-study / pay-as-you go basis, which means that there are no lengthy contracts to worry about! The price-per-study includes the use of the Vantage Space tool for up to a 4 week study and unlimited tour times. Your Vantage Space account is free and allows you to access all of your completed studies as long as your account exists. i.e. A one-week study of 238 observation points with observation tours every hour between 9am and 5pm Monday through SundayFew readersFAQ: Is this a subscription or a software purchase?
No. Vantage Space is pay-per-study and pricing is based on the number of workspaces to be observed and the length of the study. There are no licensing or per-user fees. There is no limit to users, data points, buildings, floors, etc. Everything is included. See www.vantagespace.com/en/pricing for current pricing information. If you have a larger or more sophisticated demand, an Enterprise Plan may be a better fit better for your needs. Ask for more deFew readersFAQ: What is required for making payment?
Our preference is you pay via credit/debit card online. (We will provide you with an invoice PDF and payment link once a study is complete).Few readersFAQ: How do I get an invoice?
Owners or Managers can download a copy of an invoice as a PDF file any time by selecting the the Purchases side bar menu item in the Web site (https://my.vantagespace.com)Few readers