How do I invite team members to an organisation?
You can invite new team members to aid in setting up studies and collecting observation data! Once you have signed in, simply navigate down to "Manage Team" on the left hand side of the page. Next, look at the top right hand side for "Invite New Team Member." On theFew readersWhat roles and permissions can I give to my team members?
When you invite a person to become a user under your Vantage Space account via the web app (, you can specify one of three levels of access for them. Manager - full access to everything except billing (which only the owner can access). Staff - full access to all studies but not to organization settings. External - access only to studies they are assigned to (as senior observers). If you want a user who cannot access any dFew readersHow do I create multiple observer accounts using shared email addresses?
All users of Vantage Space must have a valid working email address. Normally, this will be the business e-mail address of whoever you are inviting to the account. However, there can be times when you’ll choose to create email accounts in order to create the Vantage Space user accounts you need. EXAMPLES: You outsource your observers. They don’t have an e-mail address and you don’t want them to use their personal email addresses. You wantFew readersCan I use one account for multiple observers?
We strongly advise creating individual accounts for your observers. Using the same user account for multiple observers won't allow you to track individual performance and you won't know who to talk to when something goes wrong. Furthermore, if you use the same user account on multiple devices, they are treated as the same person which can lead to problems when syncing data or closing tours. Don't take the risk of data loss! We recommend giving each observer their own email and password. You cFew readers